Building partnerships to create long-term positive impacts
We invest our resources in organizations and programs that positively impact the communities we serve. Let’s create a more sustainable, equitable future…together.
Avangrid Foundation Wildlife Rehabilitation Program
The Avangrid Foundation is once again requesting proposals for Avangrid Foundation Wildlife Rehabilitation Grants 2024. These grants are awarded to eligible wildlife organizations operating within Avangrid's service area.
Grant applications will open on Nov. 1 and must be submitted by midnight on Nov. 22.
Since the program was launched in 2016, Avangrid Foundation’s Wildlife Rehabilitation Program has granted more than $640,000 to centers nationwide. Its goals include supporting local organizations caring for injured wildlife, promoting public outreach and education about wildlife resources and renewable energy, and strengthening relationships with the environmental community where the company operates.
To be eligible to receive a grant, organizations must:
- Be a 501(c)(3) organization or qualified entity.
- Have a primary mission that includes wildlife rehabilitation.
- Have more than one year of operating activity.
- Hold current, applicable permits from the appropriate agencies to handle and rehabilitate wildlife.
- Operate within an Avangrid service area—view a map here.
See last year's Wildlife Rehabilitation Program's grantees here
All organizations must complete and e-mail a funding request by midnight on November 22, 2024, to avangridfoundation@avangrid.com.

Priority Giving Areas
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations on September 27, 2015, represents a unique opportunity for global transformation by adopting of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which focus on ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity for all.
The Avangrid Foundation, in alignment with the Iberdrola Foundation, has adopted the SDGs to guide our giving strategy.
Potential grantees may reference the Iberdrola Foundations 2022–2025 Master Plan which guides our global collaboration and overall mission. The reference guide can be found at Iberdrola.com.
In support of the SDGs and the Master Plan, the following page outlines the Foundation’s four priority areas for funding. All grants must address at least one priority area, and many of our grants touch on more than one. Inquires that show alignment to priority SDGs are futher strengthened.