Sustainable Policies
Avangrid has consistently been recognized as a leader in ethics, compliance and corporate governance along with our deeply embedded commitment to being a socially responsible business and corporate citizen.
Overview of Governance and Sustainability System
Avangrid's Governance and Sustainability System is\ integral to the company’s corporate purpose and the creation of sustainable value for society, our customers, our communities, and our shareholders. This system is informed by our commitment to ethical principles, transparency, and leadership in the application of best practices in good governance. It is designed to be a working structure for principled actions, effective decision-making, and monitoring of our compliance and performance with regard to our sustainability and governance commitments.
As a leading sustainable energy company, we continue to evolve our governance structure and actions in ways that inform and advance our sustainability system. For over two years, the Avangrid ESG Committee has helped drive our sustainability commitments forward. This internal management committee is tasked with coordinating our ESG commitments across the organization while providing leadership on sustainable development strategies, policies, programs, practices, and initiatives to inform and advance these commitments. The committee includes representatives from Legal, General Services, Risk, Internal Audit, Investor Relations, Environmental Health and Safety, Avangrid Foundation, Compliance and the networks and renewables businesses.
For more information on our Governance and Sustainability System visit here.