Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Avangrid is committed to good corporate governance, business ethics, transparency, and sustainable development. These principles guide Avangrid's management and Board of Directors and are firmly entrenched in the purpose & values that guide our Board of Directors, and respect for people, safety, communities and the environment are key priorities driving our business success. Avangrid has incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) approved by the member states of the United Nations into the company’s strategy and governance system. In line with this principle, Avangrid focuses its efforts on affordable, clean energy while nurturing sustainable communities through investments in research, development and innovation. This is aligned with the company’s continued stewardship for action on climate. Avangrid is fully committed to contributing to the social and economic development of communities in which it operates and the protection of the environment through its sustainable energy business model. 

The Board of Directors sets the company’s sustainable development strategy and oversees sustainability, social, environmental and health & safety issues and Avangrid's commitment to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) approved by the member states of the United States and receives reports on such matters at each regular meeting.


The Board of Directors is currently made up of the following Members:

•    Ignacio S. Gálan, Chairman; Non-Independent
•    Pedro Azagra Blázquez, Executive; Non-Independent
•    Daniel Alcain López, Non-Executive; Non-Independent
•    Robert Duffy, Non-Executive; Independent
•    Patricia Jacobs, Executive; Independent
•    Teresa Herbert, Non-Executive; Independent
•    Santiago Martínez Garrido, Non-Executive; Non-Independent
•   José Sáinz Armada, Executive; Non-Independent

The Secretary of the Board of Directors is R. Scott Mahoney